SuiteSites CMS - Content Management System - DEMO

Content Mananagement Systems are an easy way for a business to provide fresh content to their website visitors (potential customers). Whether it's a regular special offer, new product announcement or just a BLOG - this ability to easily show new content on a web site helps with search engines and shows clients that you are an 'active' business. Showing activity on a business website is important because returning site visitors can see things changing & new material - otherwise they don't know if you are still in business.

A Content Management System (CMS) is a tool that allows web site owners with minimal computer knowledge to modify content on a web site without having to change any HTML code or page layouts. Changing content can be as easy as sending an email!

This online DEMO will show you how easy our basic CMS is to use. The first step is to log into the password protected CMS menu and create your BLOG entry.

STEP 1 : Click here to log in (username : visitor, password : test)

Once you have entered the BLOG the text will be displayed in the box below on the right:
